Lantern’s founder, Elisa Kaplan, started her energy career in 1994 as a programmer for an energy software firm. She was responsible for creating a library of utility rates that allowed users to recalculate their bills and compare the results to what they were actually charged. This library offered electricity, natural gas and water/sewer rates from the smallest municipalities to the largest investor owned electric companies throughout the United States. The creation of this library resulted in an extraordinary understanding of how companies charge their customers. This evolved into a utility bill auditing service that successfully recovered millions of dollars in overcharges. The deregulation of the Texas electricity market in 2002 enabled additional savings recommendations to her many clients.
Elisa has always delivered the information her clients need to make informed decisions. She has been published in industry journals, interviewed by The Wall Street Journal and on National Public Radio, and has spoken at numerous town hall meetings to encourage legislation for corporate accountability. She remains accessible and engaged with her clients, via electricity brokering services.
Lantern Power is a registered aggregator with the Public Utility Commission of Texas, #80320.
If we don’t save you money, we don’t get paid!